Militantly liberal teachers demand that schools should stop promoting ‘British values’.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 13:31.

Sometimes I notice stories that are so awful that I almost think it’s some kind of joke, before I realise that it’s actually serious.

Here’s one such example of this:

Daily Mail, ‘Militant teachers demand schools stop promoting ‘British values’ as it makes children from other cultures feel inferior’, 28 Mar 2016:

You are about to be culturally enriched.
That moment when memes meet reality.
  • Guidelines want to encourage children to appreciate British values
  • But teachers reject the move, which they say is linked to colonialism
  • Critics have accused teaching unions of waging ‘ideological war’

Teachers are demanding that schools stop promoting ‘fundamental British values’ over claims it could make children think other cultures are inferior.

The National Union of Teachers said telling children about the country’s democracy, law and traditions could encourage ‘cultural supremacy’ and urged a new focus on ‘international human rights’ instead.

Under government guidelines, which are aimed at tackling extremism in the wake of the Trojan Horse scandal, children must be taught about being a British citizen as well as tolerance other faiths and lifestyles.

However, union leaders said the term was demeaning to other cultures ‘particularly in the context of multicultural schools and the wider picture of migration’.

Delegates passed a motion in favour of campaigning to scrap it during the NUT annual conference in Brighton today.

Christopher Denson, an NUT representative from Coventry, said: ‘We need to fight to reject this notion of British values, to fight for notions of human values and human rights.

‘We have to stand together across communities to bring down barriers, bring down borders, to say no to Islamophobia, no to anti-Semitism, no to fascism and any form of racism.’

The motion said that migrants make a ‘huge economic, political and social contribution’ to the country and that public services and businesses would ‘face severe difficulties’ without them.

It criticised the government for only taking in a ‘minute fraction’ of refugees and vowed to campaign for ‘policies that welcome’ them to the country.

The union agreed to ‘gather and collate’ teaching materials on migrants and refugees for members to use in classrooms from now on.

Mr Denson said he disliked using the term ‘fundamental British values’ in his classroom when many of his pupils had ancestry in countries which had encountered British colonialism.

He said: ‘The inherent cultural supremacism in that term is both unnecessary and unacceptable.

‘And seen with the Prevent agenda, it belies the most thinly veiled racism and a conscious effort to divide communities.’

He added: ‘It’s our duty to push real anti-racist work in all schools. And that doesn’t mean talk of tolerating other’s views, but genuine, inclusive anti-racist work.’

He said he had requested a week of themed assemblies every year in his school, with topics including apartheid and the rise of Islamophobia ‘in the context of anti-Semitism in the 1930s’.

‘This year we focussed on the migrant crisis in Calais, the Mediterranean and beyond,’ he added.

‘We organised a politics day for Year 8s [aged 12 to 13] in the week before Easter.

‘They had a day to form a political party in their tutor groups to come up with a manifesto, film a broadcast, and make banners and take part in a debate.

‘Apart from the quality of the work, the other thing that really made my proud was that every single tutor group had as a policy, ‘refugees welcome, open the borders’.

‘We need to be pushing at every level for anti-racism to be in the core curriculum for every child.’

Many of the activists at the conference said they had been to migrant camps over the channel to take food and provisions.

Christine Blower, general secretary of the NUT said: ‘Schools and teachers play a key role in welcoming migrant and refugee children and young people to this country, and supporting their progress within schools.

‘The NUT condemns the Government’s inadequate response to the current migrant situation, which has exacerbated the suffering for so many, including school-age children and young people.

‘The NUT has produced a guide to Welcoming Refugee Children to your School and has a dedicated section on its website for teaching resources which have been provided by teachers for teachers, on the issue.

‘The NUT will continue to work with Show Racism the Red Card, Hope Not Hate and others, to campaign for Government policies that welcome migrants and refugees to this country. The NUT will also continue to press for anti-racism work to be enshrined within the curriculum of all schools.’

The requirement on schools to teach fundamental British values was introduced in 2014 in a bid to crack down on extremism in schools.

It followed the Trojan Horse scandal, in which state schools in Birmingham were infiltrated by hardliners who tried to impose an Islamic agenda.

Ofsted, the schools regulator, has been penalising schools which do not sufficiently show that they are promoting British values.

Chris McGovern, of the Campaign for Real Education, said: ‘Teachers should not be playing the role of fifth columnists in the ideological war currently being fought over our national identity and our national sovereignty.

‘Teaching children that British values are part of “cultural supremacism” will, at best, make them feel guilty about being British and, at worst, radicalise them in order to ‘make up’ for the sins of their fathers.

‘If one wishes to destroy a nation and build a “brave new world” you begin by indoctrinating and brainwashing the children.

‘This process of ‘re-education’ has started some years ago in our schools and we are, now, seeing its consequences in the suppression of free speech on our university campuses.

‘The notion of ‘value relativism’ - that all views are equally valid - has reached saturation point in our schools.

‘In many classrooms this has led to the views of terrorists being given equal weigh to those of the victim of terrorism. Against this background the latest motions from the NUT come as no surprise, at all.’

The Department for Education has been contacted for comment.

I’m sure that the Department for Education will be just as speechless as I am right now.

Dugin Interviewed: We’ve Got Him Grappling with White Post Modernity

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 24 March 2016 07:39.

Dugin/Stark interview: Beginning concession to White Post Modernity

Whereas he used to have a completely botched notion of post modernity - mixing-up what should be the antidote to modernity and liberalism with liberalism itself - it now appears that we are improving Dugin’s understanding - viz., that modernity is the problem and the essence of liberalism.

His ideas in this talk are largely amenable and well considered.

His proposition that the state is a bit too much of an artifice to suffice by itself and that there needs to be a hypothesized realm, as we would say, beyond the physically verified moment, which girds and orients a people, is also well considered.


However, now that we are getting him to a better understanding of “post moderntiy”, viz. White post modernity, we need to get him to a better understanding of biological reality and “racism.”



Anti-racism is the quintessential modernist liberal notion; it is a Cartesian farce: It has been proposed as innocent but it is not -

Anti-racism is prejudiced, it is not innocent, it is hurting and it is killing people.

For “racism” is a necessary concept in a benign form, which is not supremacism nor a singular conclusion to aggrandizement and annihilation of an opposing people (as YKW propose and liberals might accept as a definition). It is in fact, a practical concept that is practiced by ordinary people everyday of necessity, as a non-Cartesian requirement of the human condition, of being in the world - one must discriminate in human-sized categories, including social classification - of one’s own people and of other peoples - to form a coherent basis of ones own and to form a basis of human ecologies for our systemic coherence, social accountability, warrant and agency.

These classifications are “hermeneutic”, that is to say that they are not absolutely empirically based in every moment, as the taken-for-granted and the state of partial knowledge - faith, if you will - must subsist behind the working hypothesis.

Call it a working hypothesis, call it faith, call it rules, call it narrative, call it taken for granted, call it the partly unknown, call it a mystery, a quest, an adventure, some of that as you must, some of it you might, as it has practical function to ensconce the under-determining facts of the empirical; but I have believed and continue to believe that a sacred overlay, in orientation and guidance of a people is a good idea.

I believe that it is a hermeneutic notion nevertheless, which is itself accountable to deal concretely with biology, sex and genetics, mediating toward fairness and justice in regards to this social capital - otherwise, without this empirical accountability, this “spiritual” realm will be the realm of evil charlatans.

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“Third Worlders” & Non-Whites: There are DIFFERENCES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE and not hard to discern

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 22:08.

“Third Worlders”, “Non-Whites”,  “Asians”... There are DIFFERENCES THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE

                      “Third World immigration is the real culprit” - TNO



                tari-huli images from this site.

                Photo: Dabiq/Corbis



Obvious ambush: Donald Trump embraces the Jews, and then opens fire against White Nationalists.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Tuesday, 22 March 2016 15:22.

Let's dispel this fiction once and for all that Donald Trump 'doesn't know what he's doing'. He knows exactly what he's doing. (Image: Advance Wars game footage)

Press Start

In the run up to the speech that Donald Trump was going to make at AIPAC, lots of ‘prominent white nationalist movement figures’ started making extremely arrogant statements about how they believe that Donald Trump is only pretending to support the Jews by deliberately attending a place where politicians go to be lobbied by Jews while being supported by Jews at every turn.

At Majorityrights we have done everything to try to highlight the fact that placing stock in Donald Trump is completely irrational and continues to be irrational.

It’s plainly obvious that white nationalists of any sort have exactly zero capability to influence Donald Trump’s campaign, because Donald Trump is not a white nationalist and does not accept campaign donations from white nationalist groups. Donald Trump is saying things that he thinks will convince the various contradictory segments of the Republican Party voting base to imagine that he empathises with them while they wait with bated breath to see what he’ll say next, so that they can write yet another breathless article on how the Trump train ‘cannot be stopped’. It should be obvious.

Attaching themselves to a political candidate like Donald Trump, and running articles that praise him for an entire electoral season, even though they know that they have no means through which they can control him, is a bad idea which yeilds predictably bad results.

You are pretty bad at this game

Various venues and groups, for example Radix Journal, The Occidental Observer, the Daily Stormer, David Duke dot com, The Right Stuff, and American Renaissance all refused to use Occam’s Razor, and instead have been continually coming up with ever more fanciful explanations about how all of this is supposedly Donald Trump’s cunning 57-dimensional chess game.

Yesterday, Trump went on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and once again disavowed those who he refers to as ‘the antisemites’, by saying that he “can’t imagine” why antisemites would want to support him, and that he has “always condemned” such persons. He also added that he is “the least racist person you’ll ever meet.”

Indeed, most sensible ethno-nationalists and antisemites should be unable to support a person who within 90 minutes of making those statements in the CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer, would go on to utter the following words in a room packed full of cheering Jews on international television:

TIME / Donald Trump, ‘Read Donald Trump’s Speech to AIPAC’, 21 Mar 2016:

I love the people in this room. I love Israel. I love Israel. I’ve been with Israel so long in terms of I’ve received some of my greatest honors from Israel, my father before me, incredible. My daughter, Ivanka, is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby.


In fact, it could be happening right now, which would be very nice as far as I’m concerned.


The Jewish baby’s head could’ve been exiting Ivanka Trump’s vagina in that very moment, and Donald Trump wanted to make sure that the audience understood the implications of that. That was just after Trump had quite predictably reversed his fake ‘neutrality’ position, voicing his true positon of total unwavering support for Israel.

But I know, I know, let me guess, Trump-fans. You all will say that everything that happened at AIPAC was ‘deep cover’, and that it is a ‘strategic deep cover’ Jewish baby that he’s getting all enthusiastic about, right?

No matter what Trump does, someone is always going to come out and implausibly claim that it’s either ‘a deep strategy’ or ‘an accident’.

Those bazookas that the red team is firing at your blue team tanks? I guess it’s part of a ‘deep strategy’, the red team is only pretending to destroy those units, they are only pretending to be the red team, right? Well, maybe, if you ignore the minor problem of those little blue units actually being destroyed in reality.

But blithely ignoring reality is obviously what being a Trump-fan is all about.

Here’s an example of the Trump-worshipping Daily Stormer trying to spin its way out of acknowledging reality:

Daily Stormer / Andrew Anglin, ‘Regarding Donald Trump’s AIPAC Speech’, 22 Mar 2016:

Okay, guys. Here’s the deal: in order to get elected, Donald Trump has to say nice things about Israel.

That is simply the fact of the matter. The Jews have created a situation where the overwhelming majority of Christians in this country believe in bizarre science fiction fantasy about the nature of the terrorist Jew state, and if they view someone as hostile to it, they won’t vote for them.

So the options are:

a) call out the Jews, have zero chance of winning, and

b) say nice things about Israel, and have a shot at getting in.


I cringed like you all cringed. But these are the facts of life. The Jews have put us down so deep, the climb back up involves a bit of unpleasantness.

Remember: these were just words.

They were just words, according to Anglin! How about a flesh and blood Jewish baby which is literally inside of Ivanka Trump’s womb? Is it really ‘just words’? Or is it words which are describing things which have occurred in actual reality?

Here’s another flesh and blood example, the flesh and blood of Michael Cohen:

Jewish Daily Forward, ‘Meet Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s Jewish Wingman’, 20 Jul 2015:


Cohen, who is Jewish, has been Trump’s most loyal ally for nearly a decade, standing up for the real estate mogul in the media and filing lawsuits when Trump perceives he’s been wronged. A 2011 ABC News profile reported that within The Trump Organization he’s called the boss’s “pit bull.”

“If you do something wrong, I’m going to come at you, grab you by the neck and I’m not going to let you go until I’m finished,” Cohen, now 48, told the TV network.

To wit: When New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a fraud suit against Trump’s for-profit college in 2013, Cohen threatened Trump’s vengeance: “The damage to the attorney general is going to be very significant,” Cohen told The New Yorker. “So significant that he will possibly have to resign.” (Schneiderman has not resigned. The case is ongoing.)

And in February 2011, when Trump was mulling a 2012 presidential run, Cohen twisted himself in knots to defend Trump’s newfound opposition to abortion, telling National Journal, “People change their positions all the time, the way they change their wives.” (Trump has changed his, twice.)

Cohen, who did not respond to requests to be interviewed for this story, has been tied to Trump since at least February 2007, when the New York Post reported that he had been snapping up apartments at Trump’s properties like a hoarder at a flea market. He owned two at the time, was buying two more, and had talked his parents and his wife’s parents into buying another four between them.

“Michael Cohen has a great insight into the real estate market,” Trump told the Post at the time. “In short, he’s a very smart person.”

Cohen was a partner at the law firm Phillips Nizer at the time of the Post story, but he joined The Trump Organization three months later as an executive vice president and as Trump’s special counsel, according to Cohen’s LinkedIn page. No word on whether he’s bought more Trump apartments since then.

Cohen himself is something of a cipher. We know from the 2011 ABC profile that he grew up on Long Island and that his father is a Holocaust survivor. A Democrat, Cohen voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and volunteered for former Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis’s presidential campaign in 1988. (Cohen told ABC in 2011 that over time he grew disappointed with Obama.) He favors Dolce & Gabbana and Hermes, and once went sailing off Cape Cod with Ted Kennedy.

The real estate newspaper The Real Deal reported in February that Cohen had made a New York real estate play of his own, buying a $58 million rental apartment building on Manhattan’s Upper East Side from Israeli-born developer Ofer Yardeni.

Beyond those spare, if colorful, details, Cohen’s entire public profile is entangled in the Trump galaxy. He’s a member of the board of the Eric Trump Foundation, a children’s health charity named for Donald Trump’s 31-year-old son. He was chief operations officer of Affliction, a mixed martial arts promotion partially owned by Trump. And in 2011, during Trump’s last flirtation with presidential politics, it was Cohen who led the charge.

Along with Stewart Rahr, the 68-year-old Jewish drug distribution billionaire who calls himself “Stewie Rah Rah Number One King of All Fun,” Cohen created a website in early 2011 called “Should Trump Run?” and visited Iowa in a private jet with Trump’s name on the side to discuss a potential Trump candidacy. A Ron Paul backer charged that Cohen and Trump were breaking campaign finance laws by taking the trip without filing disclosures with the Federal Elections Commission. (The FEC eventually found that no law had been broken, as Trump never actually became a candidate.)

This time around, Cohen has fully embraced his attack dog role within the Trump apparatus. During the contentious morning interview with Chris Cuomo, Cohen was relentless in defending his boss.

“You’re making the same problem [Trump] is, which is odd, because you’re here to kind of clean it up for him,” Cuomo said. “He shouldn’t have said they’re rapists, they’re this, they’re drug dealers, and some are good people. He shouldn’t have said it. True or false?”

“No, I disagree,” Cohen said, speaking in a voice that sounds like Trump’s, but with the volume turned down from 11 to around 7. “I really believe that Mr. Trump was making his voice heard.”

As Cuomo grew increasingly frustrated, Cohen refused to back off. “It was wrong, and you haven’t admitted that yet,” Cuomo said.

“And I will not,” Cohen said as the interview ended.

They could also say that ‘Cohen’ is ‘just a word’, but it’s a word that actually does have an ominous real-world meaning.

But I guess when reality becomes inconvenient for Trump’s movement fans, the words that are used to describe that reality also become inconvenient for Trump’s movement fans, and then those words are suddenly referred to as ‘mere words’ whose actual meaning they think should be disregarded and replaced with various fictions.

Let’s dispel these fictions

Both David Duke and Kevin MacDonald, among others, have been giving little open letter style warnings to Donald Trump about how it’s ‘useless’ for him to attend AIPAC and make speeches, and how he needs to beware of the Jewish lobby.

As though Donald Trump is even listening to them, and as though Donald Trump—a person who has spent his entire career in the company of Jews and whose presidential campaign is presently packed full of Jews—somehow doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Let’s dispel this fiction once and for all that Donald Trump ‘doesn’t know what he’s doing’. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s undertaking a systematic effort to harness the disparate strands of discontent among America’s white working class so that he can funnel all the resulting activism back into the Jewish-owned straitjacket which binds the Republican Party political apparatus.

We Told You So: Trump Panders to Israel

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 22 March 2016 07:05.

(Photo: Joshua Roberts—Reuters)

With his address to AIPAC, Trump lost the characteristic equivocalness in his manner of speaking: he brought-out his trump card - unequivocal pandering to Israel we knew he would.

From his talks to “the international press” regarding Jewish concerns prior to his speech and through his speech, he was unequivocal.

1) He was unequivocal in his denunciation of “racism and anti-Semitism.”

2) He was unequivocal in his prioritization for Israel’s security; their borders and identity as a Jewish state for Jewish people.

3) He was unequivocal not only in his denunciation of the Iran deal, but in saying that it must be reversed; and, in asserting that Iran’s nuclear weapon’s program must be stopped, he intimated that he is not averse to Israel’s coveted hawkish solution to dealings with Iran.

4) His unequivocal closer - for those familiar with salesmanship, the closing line of a pitch must “close” (confirm) the deal: Trump proudly asserted that he was “about to become a grandfather of a Jewish child.” Asserting his blood-ties in commitment to Jewish interests.

White Nationalists may be correct that he is the best option in buying them some time. At least he makes noises as if he is going to do something about closing U.S. borders and that he would sympathize with closing the borders of Europe as well.

But toward that end, we are having to take the word of a man who brags about his negotiating skills following these avowals to Israel and Jewish interests.

AIPAC might cooperate to some extent with our domestic issues, including our security, OUR WHITE BORDERS FOR OUR WHITE PEOPLES - U.S., Europe and elsewhere - but only to the extent that coincides with Israeli and Jewish interests more broadly; and to the extent that Trump’s and other regimes would (very incorrectly) treat Jews as if they are White; a specially protected White minority among our lands.

That is a highly suspect deal.

And in exchange for that deal come an array of foreign policies - our side, opponent side distinctions - even more suspect.

About the only consolation to be offered to those who favor Trump in the interest of European peoples is that at least in what she speaks and intends, viz. in her antagonism of Whites, Hillary is even worse. Her rhetoric is even more out of the liberal, P.C., anti-White mold: her disregard for White boundaries more brazen, her commitment to Israel as “rock solid, unwavering, enduring and forever” as ever (as emphatic, in fact), and her war-hawkishness even more flagrant. Every bit as much as Trump shored-up his pro-Israel, pro-Jewish-line..

Hillary shored-up her Neo-Con Credentials.

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Migrants Attack 60 Minutes Crew In Sweden

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 21 March 2016 20:17.

60 Minutes News Crew Attacked

Police decline to go into the Somali area with reporters.

Who are then greeted by assault


Orban’s Historic Speech puts Hungary on War Footing

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 20 March 2016 06:44.

We will analyze this excellent speech of Victor Orban. It will show why The White Left is the necessary way - it is the way of agency for European peoples - whereas the Right, including the Alternative Right, is the way of retardation, the non-agency, no account resignation to deterministic causality that will render us into the hands of our enemies; that is the reason that our enemies want to designate us as “the right” - while fools and infiltrators adopt that moniker - with the “fate” and its acceptance that Orban correctly denounces.

The right will always be retarded by its myopic abstractions beyond the human scale, feedback and accountability of our people as a social group and social groups. It is and will be thrown into hyper-relativism as a result of its lack of context for its desperate and futile quests beyond social reality - finally, in desperate recourse it will be thrown back by default of practical necessity to its only recourse, to that reality of the White Left - of Praxis, that is social group unionization, accountability and its agency.


J CORE: It’s All Worse, More Organized & More Them Than Even You Think.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 18 March 2016 19:20.

It’s all worse, more organized and more them than even you think.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 02:10. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:27. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:09. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 22:56. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 09:15. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 06:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Mon, 29 Jul 2024 22:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Mon, 29 Jul 2024 12:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:37. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:11. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 05:20. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 04:20. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 03:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 02:01. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 01:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 23:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 22:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 04:35. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 11:14. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 02:55. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 02:39. (View)

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